Magical Marigold Flowers

As the seasons change, the plants help to inform us of the cycles of the earth and cosmos, and

they can inform us as to how to create festival life, celebrations around the changes that we see

and feel. The senses take it all in, in very apparent ways, and in more subtle ways.



Seasonal change

Autumn time here in the Northern region of United States, is a visual display of color as the leaves on

the trees change from green to red, orange, yellow, and brown. It informs us that colder months

are coming and the light is changing with less hours of sunshine. It is time to pick apples, rake

leaves, and bring in the bounty of the growing season. The flowers must not be forgotten in this

process, as we gather the last bouquets of summer to adorn our table, prepare medicine from

petals and roots for winter health, and make colorful dye baths to capture the vibrancy of the

summer sun!


Fun Activity

This is a favorite Autumn activity in many Waldorf Kindergartens, to pick marigolds and make a

magical marigold soup. Dipping the prepared wool, silk or cotton items into the “soup”, aka dye

bath, is magical as it comes out of the pot transformed into a golden yellow. Whether it be a

felted ball, a silk cape, a skein of yarn, or a simple piece of cloth, the children, living so much in

the present moment, are jubilant with the end result.



In other lands, such as Costa Rica, where I taught for several years, marigolds were not as

plentiful, and yet the plants still inform. Turmeric root may be harvested to create the brilliant

golden dye.




Plant wisdom

Get to know the plants and observe what gifts they have to share. Ask for permission from the

plant itself to use it. Give thanks. Children naturally love to play with plants creating potions and

soups. Be mindful as to the properties of the plant, nothing poisonous or toxic to touch or ingest,

and then PLAY! Let the imagination soar as discoveries are made.